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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  October 6, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> in the news this saturday morning, how about a million people expected to crowd into san francisco today for all kinds of events? up next a live report on what to expect, including some pretty pricey parking. only on 7, cell phone robberies are on the increase in san francisco as thieves get more brazen. we will show you exclusive video of the crooks in action. good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney. blue angels, blue grass, will we have blue skies? let's find out. here's a quick look at the weather with meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning. the fog is at the shoreline.
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here's what you can expect the rest of the day today. it's a cool start with numbers in the upper 40s to the upper 50s. but we will call it partly cloudy for the afternoon with mild temperatures on the coast. mid-60s once again. cooler if you are headed into golden gate park. it should be a mild afternoon on the coast with mid-70s in our inland valleys and dropping through the 60s by the evening hours. for tomorrow looks just as good. but we still have a chance for a few sprinkles. i'll explain. take a look at the extended forecast coming up. terry. >> thanks a lot. you might have heard the roar this week. get ready for much more as the blue angels take to the skies to headline the fleet week airshow. >> they showed off their aerobatic maneuvers in practice yesterday and zoomed by in their signature diamond formation. if you want to catch the airshow, the action goes from noon to four, both today and tomorrow. get to your viewing location early because this is just one of many bay area events expected
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to draw huge crowds this weekend. all together, 1 million people expected in san francisco to drive, boat or bart into the city to take part with the high profile events. there's the america cup world series, the hardly strictly blue grass festival in golden gate park. the giants have playoff games at 6:30. both tonight and tomorrow the castro street fair, the italian heritage parade tomorrow. we are live with what's going on and how to get where you want to go. cornell. >> anything you want, san francisco pretty much as you covered this weekend. we are live here in the marina green this morning where it's pretty sleepy. in fact, we are pretty much the only ones here, at least for now. in a few hours thousands of people will be headings here for a front row seat for fleet week and, of course, the amazing blue
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angels. but lots of other things going on. america cup racing on the bay and the hardly strictly blue grass festival in golden gate park, too. these events will bring lots and lots of people and where there is people, there will be traffic. we talked to are willing to take their chances in their cars, but others say they will let muni do the driving. >> we will drive and get early and get a spot and camp out. >> i live in the glen park neighborhood. sometimes i take 44 bus up to the top of the hill probably where there and then downhill. >> however you plan to get here, here's some advice, give yourself plenty of time and, of course, bring your patience, as well. we are live in the marina green. abc7 news. >> good advice. there's no excuse to say there's nothing to do in the bay area. if you haven't heard anything
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you like yet, how about this, teen heart thousand rob justin bieber performing tonight if you can find tickets and madonna playing hp pavilion for two nights, cal and stanford have home games and the mill valley film festival as we . we have an interactive map on our website to several events. click on the ones you are going to and we will show you how to get there by using public transportation. if you do have to drive, folks, the waze traffic app can guide you around. you can download it at abc7 the war protest going to draw many. it's marking the 11th anniversary of the war in afghanistan. getting underway on powell and market streets starting at noon today. from there they will mark to grand hyatt hotel. one person is dead and another recovering after a shooting in
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east oakland. police place at least two dozen evidence markers on birch street to mark the shell casings they found there. no arrests have been made. a neighbor took us into his house to show where bullets shot through a chair, barely missing his two-year-old son. >> my kid was sitting right here. he was sitting right here. everyone went to the floor. and after the shooting was, you know, over we saw this bullet here. >> mr. vazquez said it was his wife who first heard the gunshots. told everyone to get down. no one in the home was hurt, just scared. a pedestrian is dead this morning after being hit by a car on highway 87 in san jose. the accident happened about 8:00 last night. here's san carlos street. three lanes of traffic had to be shut down, as well as on ramp to guadalupe parkway. they don't know why the
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pedestrian was walking on that stretch of roadway. this morning residents of a south hay wood neighborhood are shaken as police investigate an officer shooting which man a left dead. it happened near tree view elementary school. sky 7hd was overhead as investigators gathered evidence in and around a dark-colored sedan. police say the car was reported stolen. when they toll the occupant to show his hands, the man reached for a weapon and was shot. the unidentified victim died later at the hospital. cell phone robberies are becoming an epidemic. police will tell you it's happening everywhere on the street and on muni buses. we have video to show you just how easy it is for the thieves. here is vehicle lee. >> there were more than 4,000 robberies in san francisco between january and august. police say about half of them targeted cell phones. many of the thefts were on muni. >> his palms are a little
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sweaty. you see how he brushes his pants. >> this officer has seen a lot of muni security camera videos. he showed several of them exclusively to abc7 news. >> he's checking the door, making sure, it's got to be clear because he doesn't want her or anybody to stop him. >> the woman in the bottom of the screen has been preoccupied with her smartphone the entire trip. the thief that will steal it is sitting right behind her, keeping a close eye on his surroundings and the prize. >> he's looking at the door again, making sure there's nobody that's going to get in the way. he's look at her phone. she's completely oblivious. >> the bus is about to stop. the robber is getting ready. watch carefully because it happens quickly. he snatches the phone from her hand and runs off the bus. here it is again. the whole thing happens in a split second. >> you should be looking up every single time that bus is about to come to a complete stop. >> some robbers are even more brazen. check this one out. he's dressed in a black hoodie,
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standing by the door. the woman, who is about to become a victim, is wearing a white knit cap. she's talking on her cell phone. the officer said the m. o. is almost always the same. he snatches the phone right out of her hand, even as she's talking. the officer says it's easy to prevent becoming a victim. >> just take a moment. stop for a second and look around. see who is around you, who is standing by you. >> muni rider crystal harrington walked by our van as we were editing this story. we showed her the videos. her reaction? >> let me ask you, crystal, what do you think of the video? >> that is shocking. i can't even believe, it's so fast. and i do that all the time, sitting on the muni. >> so do a lot of other people we saw do that on the muni as we road the buses. now the videos you saw were one-man jobs, but police say they are noticing a new m. o. where the robber is assisted by one or two others. when he steals the phone, his
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friends who are posing as passengers block the victim or anybody else from getting to him. bottom line, be aware of your surroundings. vic lee, abc7 news. salinas police will not charge a man who used his own gun to stop a robbery, killing one teenager and wounding another in the process. the man sad he saw this mexican restaurant being robbed and got his gun out of his car. he watch the young men demand money from customers at gunpoint and began shooting when he saw his friend threatened. >> you know, he did have a way to protect himself so he felt that people were threatened and he needed to take matters into his own hands. he did a good thing. he was a good samaritan. >> someone drove the two 17-year-olds to the hospital. again, one teen died. the other is in critical condition. police say the good samaritan used a legal weapon in a legal manner. american airlines hopes the problem with seats coming lose is behind them. next, what the airline is saying
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about today's flight schedule after cans egg dozens of flights yesterday. also ahead. >> local businesses are feeling the pinch of record-high gas prices. will they pass t here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again?
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[ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal.
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it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> if you haven't filled up your gas tank in the past couple days, brace yourself. the price has jumped more than 40 cents at some stations, reaching five dollars a gallon. we show you how some people who depend on their cars to make a living are coping. >> i wouldn't say i have made ends meet yet. >> he drives a taxi in san jose. the recent record jump in gas prices is drastically cutting into his wages. he said drivers like him need relief. >> i'm hurting. in fact, i'm going to have to see the owner of the cab company
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next week and ask him if we can do something about a surcharge, you know, get it back somehow. >> that means passing the gas increase on to customers. he says he pace $100 a day to lease his cab. he makes anywhere from nothing to maybe $300 a shift. he pace for gas. >> it's a straight 60 bucks. >> so even if you make $300 a night, $60 of that is going to go to gas? >> right away. >> the price for regular at this chevron station on bird avenue was $4.33 tuesday night and friday night it hit $4.69. a difference of 36 cents in four days. >> my jaw dropped when i looked at it right now. >> jared filled his tank up two days ago. since then it's gone up 26 cents a gallon. >> will have to cut back on luxuries, whether it be buying something online or those other extras at the grocery store. >> i have been able to pay the bills with the money, so eats enough for me to pay the bill. >> he's a student who delivers
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pizza in san jose. he gets $1.50 currency each one he delivers using his own car and gas. he's wondering how the new gases affect him. >> i'm not sure how much. i can find out because i'm filling up my tank. >> abc7 news. >> american airlines will be back in the air with all planes today. the airline cancelled 44 nights yesterday, including one from san francisco to miami and that was on top of 50 on thursday because of seat problems of the seats coming lose from the floor. american said maintenance cruz are installing a locking mechanism to make sure each seat stays put. american airlines getting back up in the skies. and today we will see the blue angels up in the skies. we will be able to see them, right? >> yeah. just limited fog. it's really mixed fog and sun that will be with us much of the day, maybe be favoring the north bay. 45 with fog in santa rosa.
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otherwise it's in the 50s and whether he see an autumn-like weekend. i'll explain straight ahead. >> and larry beil had the controversy call in the wildcard game that left the field littered with fan reaction. alright let's break it down. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here
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we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. 5:17 on a saturday morning. you see how foggy it is on the golden gate bridge. some construction work going on. some lights are up a little bit north of there. if you are coming this way
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toward san francisco; and many ever you will be, of course it will be light by then, but if you are coming this way, lookout for the lights. they can shine in your eyes and distract you. we have lisa argen to tell but the weather. >> we will see partly cloudy skies. the fog this morning not just the golden gate bridge burks napa, santa rosa. visibility reduced to a quarter mile in some spots. sun up at 7:10. setting 6:44. that's 11 hours, 34 minutes of day light. chilly numbers, down to the mid-40s, and sfo about 8 miles visibility. live doppler 7 hd pick upgone the clouds around the bay a lot of these are high clouds. and the low clouds are just limited to much of marin county and also parts of the san mateo coast. these will mix on out. we do have a weather system
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offshore that we have been watching, but feeling like fall with the numbers dropping well into the 40s. 15-degree spread with 60 in antioch. good morning, oakland. 57 for you. the warm spot, one of the warmer spots, mountain view, 58 with a cool 50 at our coast. so heading out this morning, definitely on the chilly side but overall if you are not in the fog, it is a partly cloudy start this afternoon. a sun and cloud mix. so it should be pretty nice out there. we will look for the numbers on the mild side. a little bit below average, but in more narrow range again. 60s and 70s. still looking at the chance of showers, but we are pulling back on those shower chances. i'll explain why on monday and tuesday. it's an upper level low that continues to sit offshore. several hundred miles offshore. we have what we cull a blocking pattern. so it's really not allowing it to get any closer to the coast. so that will allow for a few clouds from time to time. maybe favoring the north bay. we will call it partly cloudy skies and then by the time it
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heads east it's really going to sink south and east. so the isolated showers just in the higher elevations, perhaps on tuesday, maybe monday night into tuesday and then by wednesday it really sinks south into southern california. some of you head today golden gate park today, starting out with a few clouds. high temperatures in the low 60s, sunshine, partly cloudy skies and then dropping back into the 50s for the hardly strictly blue grass festival. looks good there. and back around the bay, this is what i mean with the 60s and 70s. 65 in the city. pretty mild. without the inversion or marine layer we are looking at the milder temperatures along the coast. 68 in oakland. monterey bay, upper 60s. it's clear right now, 73 in gilroy. if you are head today watch the blue angels this afternoon, partly cloudy skies, mid-60s at about 1:00. we will hold that forecast right through about 4:00 and then the temperatures drop. so looking pretty good out
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there. finally tonight, if you are headed to at&t park, it will start on the mild side with low 60s and some sunshine, but the sun setting at 6:44. we will look for upper 50s throughout the evening hours. ears the accuweather seven-day forecast. not much of a temperature change. today, tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, a slight chance of showers monday, tuesday and then we will get back to fair and mild conditions through the rest of the work week. pretty september-like. but we have 49,000 viewers that like us on facebook. >> and some love us. >> and they are eligible to win $49,000. >> and that's why we love us. >> i think so. it's a sweepstakes we are having. go to website and click on the win $49,000 button and that will take you to this page where you fill out the entry form. we will announce it after the 49ers game on abc7 on on
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october 19th. >> and we are talking higher elevations are for then flux. >> thanks a lot. thousands 6 fired-up a's fans are petitioning the club to open more seats for the playoffs. the group, let's go oakland, has an online petition drive, most of the come seem has been covered over tore a's game. that limited capacity to 49,000 in a stadium that could seat up to 55,000 fans. >> it's been economickish rue, quite frankly. the other issue is if we get 20,000 additional people to go to the game, they will buy a lot of food and beverage, which sales tax will come to the city of oakland. we think it's an economy issue also. >> they say they have 52,000 followers on their facebook page. a's manager said they have no plans to remove the tarps for the division playoffs.
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>> the mayors of cincinnati and san francisco have placed a friendly wager on the game tonight. edwards lee and mark mallory from cincinnati will bet, benefiting the youth sports programs. larry beil brings us up-to-date with the morning sports report. >> good morning. here's the problem with the one-game playoff. you play 162 games to get one chance. and an umpire blows a call that kills you. it happened in the braves-cardinals game last night. in atlanta former president jimmy carter enjoying the action. you like this. molina with a drive to right. jason heyward fighting the sun, back to the wall and makes the catch! spectacular concentration. top of the sixth, former a, matt holliday, solo homer off of kris medlen. 4-2, cardinals. meltdown in the eighth. pete going out on this pop-up.
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holiday comes in. the ball drops they called the infield fly rule so the batter is automatically out. instead of bases loaded, one out, two men on, two outs. fans throw trash on the field. the braves protested the game that was immediately denied but it was just the wrong call. after a 19-minute delay, jason motte strikes outburn to end the ending. the cardinals face the nationals in the series. who will this ended up being the final game of chipper jones career. >> that call right there, it's kind of a gray area. you know, i don't know. but i'm not willing to say that that particular call, you know, cost us the ballgame. ultimately three errors cost us the ballgame. >> buck showalter and his surprising orioles looking to advancing over the free falling texas rangers. baltimore led in the seventh. 3-1. rangers got the tieing run at the plate in the ninth. two down.
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david murphy flies out. orioles win, 5-1. they will face the yankees in the american league division series. matt cain will face reds case john. mccain has been the giants best start pitcher this year. >> it's an honor and something i'm excited about, throwing game one. but it's something that i'm also trying to stay even keel with, think by immediate to go out there and make another start. >> the a's will send rookie jared parkerrer to start game one of their series against the tigers. that's a 3:00 p.m. pacific start. task for parker, out duel the reigning mvp and cy young winner justin verlander and get miguel cabrera. >> they have a guy who won the triple crown and they have
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austin jackson leading off. they have a lot of weapons and great hitters and great players. we have to stay within ourselves and do the same thing we have done all year. >> don't forget, we have college football this afternoon on abc7. nebraska versus ohio state. a 5:00 p.m. kick off followed by all the football and baseball highlights on lexus after the game at 8:30. hope to see you then. have a great weekend. i'm larry beil. >> obviously pennant fever is here and some of you are starting to send in your fan pictures. we love it. this one from desiree and sam who got engaged from an a's game back in 2006 and now a little look at kalen from danville doing the wave at the mc hammer bobblehead give away. you can e-mail fan photos like this one to ureport at kgo we will show some of the photos on air during the playoffs and share them at so please do send them in. this afternoon the blue
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angels pilots will be wowing about a million people. and up next, where some fans got one-on-one time with the navy's best. or maybe it's the blue grass festival that draws you to festival that draws you to san francisco this [ female announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits
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on their own are amazing, but press out some biscuit dough, add some sauce and some pepperoni and cheese and monday's dinner is now a grands mini pizza party. pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> live from the kgo broadcast center, this is abc7 news. >> tommy: the blue angels signing autographs for adoring fans in san francisco last
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night. [airplanes roaring] >> today they will take my bicycle the skies performing for lungs of thousands of people along san francisco waterfront and all over the bay area, all for fleet week. the blue angels will be san francisco's biggest draw this weekend, but there are a number of other major events taking place around the bay area. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard live on the embarcadero. this could be good luck. >> yeah, definitely, terry. call it the calm before the storm or the calm before the events, as it were. check it out. we are here in the marina green. very sleepy right now. we are the only ones here. a few short hours things will be buzz, the crowds, the blue angels in the sky, america's cup, and as for getting here, expect some gridlock. bumper to bumper traffic is expected and driving is not
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recommended in san francisco. especially on the embarcadero where one lane of traffic will be closed beginning at washington street northbound to allow more room for peddy-cabs and bicycles. the chp will also be out in force on the roads trying to keep things safe. >> the bay bridge, 101 around candlestick, the extension, anywhere on 280 toward the stadium. >> the cab is the way to go. the problem is you want to allow at least 30 minutes just to catch a cab. >> you heard it. you know, public transportation might be the best way to go. we all love our cars, right? but if there was ever a time to leave that car in the garage or on the street, this would be the weekend to do it. your car will definitely forgive you. live in the marina green, abc7 news. >> thanks very much. thousands in san francisco for a concert in golden gate park. it is the 12th annual. ♪.
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>> ninety acts spread across three days. it's not a good time for parking. in the past it's always been a mellow, very well-run scene out there at golden gate park. mr. hallman, a philanthropist, appreciatated that. we would with his daughter, judy, backstage. >> he was a humble man, self-deprecating, actually. >> here we are. how many people are coming this weekend? >> i would say 200,000 people probably will filter through here. that could be an underestimate. >> well, between the giants and fleet week and hardly strictly blue grass and everything else, you might call it a perfect storm for pleasure. at under see it on tv we have an interactive map to several events in san francisco. just click on the ones you are going to and we are going to show you how to get there by
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using public transportation and that's how you can save gas. you know how expensive that is. again, if you do have to drive, the waze traffic app can drive you around the gridlock. download it at the new unemployment numbers are out and they are taking some of the win out of the sails of mitt romney presidential campaign. the numbers yesterday show businesses created 114,000 new jobs around the country last month. lower than previous month, but the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8%, the best it's been in four years. it changes the political conversation from the president's debate performance to the improving economy. more on that with mark matthews. >> good morning. >> in san francisco, one sign of an improving economy, shoppers lined up around the block for the opening of the clothing store. >> i feel like we have picked up in the economy. but i don't know. i don't know for the rest of the country. >> the labor department
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statistics show the rest of the country is also improving 114,000 new jobs added in september. the revised numbers for july and august show 86,000 more jobs than originally reported, taking away a favorite line of mitt romney's stump speech. >> we've had 43 straight months of unemployment above 8%. >> romney supporters are now questioning the new labor numbers. >> i wouldn't bet my mortgage on the numbers being correct. >> but the fact the president's approval rating has been climbing, suggests that people feel more hopeful. >> the more cranes you see around town, it's a sign the economy is boosting. >> it's going to get better. it's stabilizing. >> he's been selling flowers at union square for 66 years. he's not a supporter of obama but he sees what is happening on the street. >> the worst is over. >> for the president, the new numbers shift the attention away from his lackluster debate performance and on what is the biggest issue in this election.
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>> more people entered the workforce and more people are getting jobs. >> he said jobs may be low wage, they may be part-time, but at least they are there. >> it's slowly coming back. it will take a couple more years. >> in presidential elections we have seen it is the direction of the economy that moves voters and there is one more reporting period before election day. the october numbers will be out november 2nd, four days before the election. in the newsroom, mark matthews, abc7 news. >> more than 500 jobs are going to be available at the next abc7 job journal hire event held at the hilton garden inn in emeryville. for more information go to our website under see it on tv. new this morning, president obama and the first lady are planning to spend today celebrating the 20th wedding anniversary he put aside when it fell on the day of the denver debate. the president seen campaigning
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in ohio will be in san francisco monday night for a fundraising concert and rally. in his weekly addressed he called on republicans in congress to work with democrats on a plan to cut taxes for 98% of americans and a bill to help families refinance their homes at lower interest rates. >> congress needs to step up and provide every responsible homeowner a chance to save about $3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at lower rates. i gave them a plan to do that back in february. it's a plan that has the support of independent, nonpartisan economists and leaders across the housing describe. >> for the gop, republican national committee chairman presence priebus said obama's economic plans repeats the same failed policy that is have buried the middle class the past four years. for more on the skyrocketing gas prices. an organization representing independent gas stations made a move that could have brought prices down for everyone.
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nannette miranda is in sacramento with the story. >> to bring down high gasoline prices, the california independent oil association, which represents independent station operators, filed for a waiver with state regulators asking that they able to sell winter blend fuel now. the annual switch from the more complicated summer formula to the easier and faster-to-make winter blend doesn't officially happen until october 30th. >> allowing winter gasoline to be used sooner in california will certainly provide additional supply very quickly, and that would help the prices. >> but the wheels of government run slowly. the u.s. epa rarely grants state waivers. last one was after hurricane catrina. because california has special restrictions to ensure we have the cleanest gasoline in the world, the state must sign off first. >> you have another layer of government activity that has to take place legally. >> as painful as the prices are,
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not everyone thinks california should switch to winter blend so soon when temperatures can still be on the high side. just this week parts of the state suffered through a heat wave when summer fuels can help fight off health damaging pollution. >> the cleaner gasoline is a key control measure. it cuts the emission that is causes smog and sends people to hospitals and emergency rooms. >> with the exxon factory back on line, supplies should increase. wholesale prices dropped 40 do 350 cents but it won't be reflected at the pump until next week so expect prices to stay high a few more days. long-term the oil industry said california needs to expand infrastructure, build nor refineries, pipeline and storage but that's not as easy as it seems. >> the difficulty is californians johnly love their environment and don't want to degrade that environment. on the other hand, they want to have cheap gas. so this is a conflict.
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>> there is no timeline to make a decision on that state aware of. state regulators have had the request for three days. abc7 news. >> trouble in china for apple's new i-phone 5. thousands are workers are en strike over strict work being condition the. a live look out from our roof cam. you can see the bay bridge there. but if you were that close to the golden gate bridge you might not be able to see it. fog hanging out over there. we are going to have blue skies for the blue angels and the blue ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right?
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'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good!
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> right now an oakland man who believes he was denied a transplant because of his illegal immigration status is recovering with a new kidney. he waited seven years before getting a kidney last week. hospital officials explained the holdup was his financial situation because post-op care is expensive and necessary. the clinic agreed to provide him free aftercare, which put him back on the recipient list. a warning from health officials in contra costa county where a 34-year-old man has died from rabies. the man died in july after he was bitten by a bat. he began experiencing symptoms while vacationing in thailand in june. he died in the hospital in switzerland the following month. but health officials say he was
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bitten somewhere in the southern part of contra costa county. >> a bat was flopping on the ground and acting weird. another individual picked up the bat with a plastic bag. the gentleman who died of rabies went over and stuck his hand in the plastic bag and most likely was batten. >> most ribbies infections are caused by bites and once symptoms again, rabies is almost always fatal among humans. thousands of workers at a factory in china that makes the apple i-phone 5 went on strike to protest overly strict working conditions. they reported workers at the factory were given impossible factories to meet and they were denied vacation time. last month workers at a different factory rioted. the company contracts with apple to produce a new i-phone that's in heavy demand. so far there's no comment on the strike from apple or fox conn. lisa, the pressure is always on
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you to look forward and predict the future, but it's especially interesting to see what you are going to say for this weekend. >> the weather has not been that interesting. it's been very static, which is okay for september. but very little temperature change. the marine layer is something that we always like to talk about and here it is in full force, the golden gate bridge. to the north we have fog from novato to santa rosa. elsewhere it's mild but we will talk about the sun-cloud mix and weather the marine layer will be a factor in all the activities coming up. >> all right. we've heard from apple loyalists say about the new i-phone 5. coming up next, 7 on your side's michael finney has brandñsñ?ñwñs
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[ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts! who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. >> the bay area is surrounded by wine country. hundreds of small and large wineries producing award-winning wines but none do it quite like this one. it's called valor winery and their slogan is wines made with honor, courage and bravery.
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we have the story from livermore. >> the livermore valley is home to huge wineries with facilities meant to be tourist attractions as well. that's not exactly the description for valor winery. it's run by a 27-year-old former marine who puts out about 3,000 cases a year. this will become a cianti. >> i just fell in love with wine making and grape pruning and driving tractors and all the fun, dirty work out there in the field. >> but josh lane isn't just satisfying that love. in five years he's also put 53 other veterans to work here full time and part-time because he knows those men need work and need someone who understands the lingering effects of war. josh himself was shot, stabbed and suffered hearing loss after a roadside bomb damaged his vehicle. >> i've had wives e-mail me and
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come to me and say thank you for what you are doing. my husband or boyfriend comes home at night, he's tired, he's not angry anymore, he sleeps at night. you know, when i hear that, then that tells me i'm doing my job. >> gordon wags in the army in the mid-80s but had his struggles as well. >> went through hard times, foreclosed on a home and had to move on. that's when i moved out here to livermore and i was blessed to find josh. >> the winery bobly contains medals and photos from iraq. the history of the marine corps sits besides a book on making wine. josh not only puts vets to work, he encourages them to stop in and getting help on getting benefit issues settled. he correction me when i refer to him as an eczema reason. >> i'm a sergeant in the united states marine corps, just serving in a different uniform. >> in livermore, tim daily, news 10. >> i have a friend who says once a marine, always a marine.
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all right. what's going on weather-wise around here? >> we are looking at fog in the north bay. visibility reduced in novato to less than a quarter mile. but elsewhere it looks pretty good. in the city you will notice that is looks nice and clear. the sun is up at 7:10. setting 6:44. but santa rosa reporting half-mile visibility. sfo8 miles and we are looking at patchy fog throughout mill valley, the waldo grade, and also the golden gate bridge. so live doppler 7 hd shows some of the clouds moving into the peninsula and the south bay so we will call it partly cloudy overall and a mix of clouds and sun once again today. temperatures running a little cool for this time of year but probably getting used to that. take a look in napa and santa rosa. mid-40s this morning. very chilly. we have 60 in antioch, 50 at the coast, 57 in oakland, as well as redwood city and 58 in mountain view. partly cloudy this morning. a sun-cloud mix with a chance of showers mainly over the higher
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elevations monday and tuesday. kind of backing off on the shower chances. this area of low pressure will stay offshore throughout the weekend. it's an upper level low and as it stays offshore, it will spill some clouds into the state from time to time. this morning low 0s in the sierra nevada. so it's chilly from truckie to blue canyon, the tahoe valley airport. mid-60s for the afternoon with low 80s fresno, upper 70s sacramento. along the coast it will be mild with numbers in the 60s there. and we will look for temperatures around the bay today to be comfortable with the numbers really not where they should be, but overall it looks like this area of low pressure visiting much of southern california throughout the latter part of the week and for us maybe higher elevation raindrops. golden gate park, a few clouds from time to time and low 60s. we will call it partly cloudy from 1:00 to 4:00 for the hardly strictly blue grass festival. we also have the blue angels in town and temperatures should be in the mid-60s with 70s around
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concord today, as well as livermore. low 70s palo alto. 73 in san jose. 68 in oakland. you have to go far north up towards clear lake and ukiah to get the mid-70s. 75 morgan hill with monterey coming in in the 60s and no fog along the central coast. if you are planning your day, when you head out throughout much of downtown san francisco will be in the 60s, mid-60s for the afternoon. i almost fell. harry is tripping me. [laughter] >> not guilty, your honor! >> it's my shoe, i suppose, and the chair. notice the numbers, really they don't fluctuate too much. the slight chance of showers with more cloud cover monday and tuesday and that brings the numbers down a couple degrees. then back to fair and mild with 60s and 70s. i don't know what my problem is. maybe another cup of coffee. >> or maybe too much. we don't know which way it's going. lisa, thanks a lot and thank you for not falling. the new i-phone has sold
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millions but is it worth the money? we have brand new consumer report test results on the i-phone 5. it's now as fast as the fastest android phones but there are still plenty of differences. i love that. >> the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom. >> in this tv commercial, samsung makes fun of apple fans, claiming that android phones have had better features and capabilities than the i-phone 5 for ages. >> finally getting everything that we didn't get last year. >> back in the lab consumer reports put all the phones through the pays, assessing each phone's features and options. first display. everyone wants a big screen to watch movies, play games and use apps. while the i-phone 5 screen is apple's biggest yet, it can't compare with the screens on many android phones. >> voice control is another area of competition. here android capabilities are quite good so they are no match tore suri who can understand and
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execute more complex commands. >> find me a theater that's playing a bruce willis movie. >> okay, i found some theaters not far from georgeers. >> next up. navigation. >> android has better map info and more and apple has a few glitches. until that is worked out android carries the day. >> with everyone using the phone to take pictures, how does it affect your apple or android choice? while both the i-phone and some android phones have the ability to take panoramic stills, consumer reports finds when it comes to photo and video quality, the i-phone 5 outperforms the android competition. >> let me check some restaurants online. >> but if you want to talk on the phone and connect to the internet over the cellular network at the same time? all 4g phones can do that but on the i-phone 5 on verizon or sprint. so while the i-phone 5 gets many things right, so do a lot of the top-rated android phones, making them worth consideration.
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i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. a great story coming up, finders keepers for fishermen in hawaii. they get to keep the boat they found. how it got there, quite another stor [ male announcer ] this is the opposite of subliminal advertising... there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> here are the winning numbers from last night's mega-millions
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drawing. the meg ball 15. they are worth $50,000 a piece. the two tickets that had 5 for 5, nobody got all six, but 5 for 5. the coast guard said fishermen in other way have found a 15-foot japanese skip swept out to sea by the japanese tsunami. it was found floating in honolulu. the concord confirmed the skip was lost during the tsunami in japan and they contacted the owner. >> the owner is glad that the vessel was found but they are no longer interested in the vessel so the captain gets to keep it. >> what dewpoint to do with it? >> i want to get my fly rod and go out to the lagoon and catch some bone fish. >> hawaii officials checked the boat for invasive species and radiation as a precaution. nothing found. it's the second confirmed piece of debris to arrive in hawaii. last month a bin was found
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floating in the waters north of o'ahu. >> next, the busiest weekend in san francisco including the blue angels. what to expect if you are coming into san francisco. and hold the phone. only on 7 the video showing the rash of cell
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[ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts! who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds.


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